Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mom and the Gov at Daley Freeze

Mom has become a real celeb working at the Freez. The Gov and some of his people were in town the other day and they came to the freez to eat. Donna, her boss made her leave the grill and come out and have her picture taken woth him. When he learned that mom was the chef he said that he better be extra nice to her. I always knew she was a celeb. As a side bar mom said the Gov had a student special (hamburger and fries) with just catsup on it. kinda bland don't you think?


Dave and Lindsay said...

LOL...I posted the same thing!

Amber said...

How cool, you look very pretty! When I worked at The Freez Chanel 5came and did a special on Payson and they filmed us working. Daley Freez = Stardom!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I bet that was neat. What happened to his arm?


Andrea said...

You are a celeb. Will I see you on Entertainment tonight?