Friday, June 27, 2008

New Tag..

Four places I visit over & over:
1. Daley Freez
2. Walmart
3. Las Vegas
4. La Casita
Four People who e-mail-txt me regularly:
1. Mark
2. Haley
3. Kelly
4. Megan
Four favorite foods:
1. Lobster (Rio, Las Vegas)
2. cookies (any kind will do)
3. Chocolate & Peanut Butter (preferably together)
4. Meatloaf
Four places I'd rather be:
4.anywhere with Mark
Four movies I'd watch over & over:
1. Six Days, Seven Nights
2. How to Lose a Guy
3. Fools Rush In
4. And Yes Urban Cowboy!!
Bands/Groups I love to listen to:
1. Rascal Flats
2. Montgomery Gentry
3. Matchbox Twenty
4. Steve Miller Band
People I am tagging:
1. Andrea
3. Mark
3. Elise
4. Kristin


Andrea said...

Urban Cowboy!! Gotta love that John Travolta.

KW said... haven't blogged in awhile

Dave and Lindsay said...

Post something new!!