Wednesday, June 4, 2008

High School Tag

I was tagged by my Lindsay to do this, so here it goes..If you could go back and tell your teenage self one thing, what would it be?
High School doesn’t really matter after it is all over, so don’t stress so much about it!
Did you do any extra curricular activities in high school? I was in fha and decca. Pretty boring.
What did you do with your free time? I didn’t have much free time, I worked at Glades and went to the High School Activities.
Coolest thing you did as a teenager. I agree with Lindsay answer ,Just being a teenager pretty much. The games, the dances, the not having to worry about having a job and money, etc. Did you have a boyfriend in high school? No, not till the end of my senior year.
Songs that come to mind: 50 ways to leave your lover, Afternoon Delight, Rocket Man,
Let your Love Flow, Dream Weaver, I could go on forever! Lol
If you could change one thing, what would it be? I should have studied more.
What did you think you would be when you grew up? I was thinking about a teacher, sure glad I didn’t do that!!!
Craziest thing you did in high school- We were driving down the canyon with some friends and his lights went out, he wrapped a gum wrapper around the fuse and we continued on and sometimes the lights would keep going on and off!! Stupid and Scary!


Dave and Lindsay said...

LOL...these are great!

Fords said...

Hey Pam, Danielle wants an invite to your blog. Her email address is

It was fun to read about your highschool days-we need to get my mom blogging.