Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Our Ruby Giveaway Day 13

On October 11, 2011 my daughter delivered a beautiful baby girl. Our sweet Ruby June graced our lives for 15 short days. She taught us many great lessons in such a short time. In her honor my daughter, our family and friends are sponsoring 15 days of giveaways.

Today I am hosting the 13th day of giveaways in Ruby’s honor.

The giveaway today is a set of hand painted wood blocks with the saying “There is no place like home” with a Ruby red slipper sitting on top.


CAM00132_zpsd1fefee8 The red slipper reminded my of Ruby and the saying reminds me of the joy of family gatherings. 

To enter leave a comment on here telling me what your family gatherings mean to you.

Please go to my daughter’s blog to read about and see pictures of our beautiful Ruby.

Ruby-6 While you are there be sure to enter the other giveaways listed.


Shawna said...

Family gatherings mean the world to me. I am the only member of the LDS church in my family, so not growing up in the church family wasnt really a priority. Now that I live the gospel everyday it took on a whole different meaning. I cherish the memories and time I have with my hubby and two sons. And better yet with my inlaws and my family. Family will always be there for you and that gives one a lot of comfort. I know having your family gather around Kristin made all the difference at this time last year.

Frost Cake Co. said...

Comfort, support, ease, love, relaxation, openness, selflessness - family gatherings are essential to my existence. As with all things there are trials and tribulations within a family - but I think those only make us stronger and make us realize how special life is. My two children are blessed to have their 6 cousins, 3 aunts, 2 uncles, and a set of grand parents living in the same city. When I see the bond that they are forming I know that we have created something so special for them. I look forward to the holidays so we can all get together and celebrate the blessed life we have been given!

Stephanie said...

What a fun Home Decor anyone will be lucky to win this. Nothing is better than a Family gathering. It's what I look forward too. It's hard being so far away from my parents and sibling so when we do get together I try and take it all in. Not only them but I also love when my husband comes home from work and we get to spend time all together. It makes me feel very complete. I hope to be a fly on the wall when Ruby gets to have her family gathering in heaven once again.

Ford said...

There is nothing better than being with family. Plain and simple. This is a darling giveaway. Love it and you guys! :)


Shirley said...

I love family gatherings and will always put them first. Making memories and talking about memories is my favorite part. Now that I have my own little family, I try to keep busy with activities that we can do together and create traditions. I can tell that Kristin and Jared are so lucky to have such wonderful families and all the support they have given. This giveaway is so beautiful and absolutely perfect!

Alesha said...

How cute is that! Family gatherings are the best. I love the ones most when I can spend time talking with my siblings and parents(and my husbands) I love learning new things about people you've always known.

The Small Bevell Bunch said...

I LOVE this give away. Its so cute!!! I love having my husbands family so close.. we get together for dinner and play games its amazing that they have just opened their family to me from day one and now having our kids be able to grow up together is so much fun to watch!!

Matt & Stacie said...

My favorite thing to do is simply be with my family. After being away from them for a fews years, i soak up every minute i get with them now. My mom has a saying, "together is the best place to be". It doesn't get better than that. Love this craft!

Tate, Jody, Jocelyn, and Tyler said...

With my sister living on one coast and I'm on the other, anytime we can get the two of us home with our other siblings is a big deal! I love being with my family and to this day, I've only missed one Christmas away from home. They love me and are there for me whenever there is joy or sadness. Families are my biggest blessing!


So sweet with the Ruby slipper. I just love your daughter. She is such an amazing person and inspiration for me to do a little better each day. Today I took a friend on some errands so she could get things checked off her to do list.


The Wigginton Family said...

My husband is still a student and is super busy. It is always special when the four of us are together and we really cherish that time, regardless of how often it happens or how long it lasts!

Kami Adamson said...

Family gatherings and being with family mean everything to me! I think I appreciate it more the older I get. My husband is a full-time soldier and is gone a lot. Whenever he is home, we make sure to spend all that time together with our little family as well as our extended family. Your family has touched my life so much throughout our years of knowing each other. My heart is full as I re-read about the short life of sweet Ruby. What an amazing way to honor her. Love you all!

Kami Adamson said...

Sorry...here is my email: kami.adamson@gmail.com

KW said...

Entering for my friend Chandi, her phone won't let her enter:
Chandi says: So cute! Family gatherings have always meant a lot to me- 1 of 10 kids I am the only one that lives away from "home". Since Porter died, it means that much more to me because you never know when you might lose a loved one! I wish I could see my family more- only 2x a year

Holli Raymond said...

Family gatherings are everything to me! I live 11 1/2 hours from my family and I treasure every moment of my time when we get to visit.

I get to live .4 miles away from my in-law's and they are amazing. It is a blast to hang out with them and feel their sweet spirit to my 11 month old daughter.

Family is the most amazing institution!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

What a beautiful craft. Family gatherings first and foremost are fun. My family members are my best friends. We laugh and joke and love each other unconditionally. I am blessed to live so close to all of my siblings and my mom. We have all lost a few really close loved ones including my dad and being together as a family makes us realize how grateful we are for family and for being an eternal family.


Amber said...

LOVE this!! Family gatherings are really a time for me to get together with those I love most and laugh. Being with family is where you can be yourself and everyone loves you for who you are. It doesn't matter how long it has been since you have seen them, you can pick right back up where you left off. I would be lost with out my family and my in laws.

Whitney said...

Love this item! So cute! Family Gatherings to me mean good times, lots of laughter, bonding and memories forever. I cant wait to share my memories with my kids and theirs with their own. Thanks for doing this! Love these giveaways they are so fun!

Brittany said...

Love this! It makes me realize how blessed I am for the family that I have! I love to get together with my family. It doesn't matter how long it's been, it's like we were never apart. I love the support and love that come from my family! One reason I love this time of year is because we get to see each other more!!!! I have an amazing family and married into one too! britthardy@gmail.com

Katrina said...

My family means everything to me. Both my daughters are named after family members. I am currently in the process of packing up everything and moving home to be closer to my family. Thank you for sharing with me about Ruby. She was beautiful.

Unknown said...

Family gatherings mean the world to me because you never know when you are going to get to see them again. Things can happen I'm the blink of an eye so I believe that we need to spend every chance we can with our families